Exploring MRI Source Code

If you have been using Ruby for a while you may be curious about how some things work under the hood. One way to dig deep into Ruby internals is by reading the source code that makes it work. Even if you don’t know C, you can still pick up some interesting things. The source … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Blocks, Procs & Lambdas

Ruby blocks, procs & lambdas. What are they? How do they work? How are they different from each other? You will learn that & a lot more by reading this post! Understanding Ruby Blocks Ruby blocks are little anonymous functions that can be passed into methods. Blocks are enclosed in a do / end statement … Read more

How to Write Your Own Caesar Cipher Encoder

Have you ever heard of the Caesar cipher? Julius Caesar used this technique to conceal secret messages from his enemies! The Caesar cipher is one of the most primitive encryption techniques. The main idea behind this system is to rotate the letters an x number of positions on the alphabet. For example, with x = 1, an … Read more

Network forensics with tshark

Let’s say we have a packet capture file (.pcap) and we want to get as much information out of it as possible. One option could be wireshark and its command line version tshark. Using the latter we will be able to manipulate and format the output using tools like sed, grep, awk… Extracting host names with … Read more

Four Ways to Extract Files From Pcaps

It’s time to extract files from pcaps. If you ever played with packet captures you probably thought it would be cool that you could actually get downloaded files so let’s see not only one way to do this, but four! 1. Wireshark: http export You can find this at File > Export > Objects > … Read more