How to Build Your Confidence As a Ruby Developer So You Can Write Awesome Ruby Apps
If you learned the basics of Ruby but you still feel like you could be doing a lot better...
...if you don't feel confident in your Ruby skills...
...if you'd like to earn more, write better code & be proud of your work...
...then this could be the most important message you'll read today.
my name is Jesus Castello, I've been a Ruby developer for over 6 years & I want to help you become a better Ruby developer.

Would you agree that if your Ruby skills are lacking you're gonna have a hard time...
...understanding how things work...
...fixing things when they go wrong
...& solving real-world problems?
If you're only learning Ruby to pass time & have fun... then this isn't for you
But if you want to build a solid career, get paid & feel good about your work you need to take this seriously.
Here's how:
- 1Find out a list of all the topics you need to cover (like metaprogramming & lambdas).
- 2Gather all the information from many different sources, filter through it to remove outdated & low-quality material.
- 3Study that information, hoping that you didn't miss anything important.
Sounds like a lot of work right?
Because it is!
This Is Your Problem
There are far too many average developers...
But who wants an average anything?
Don't fall into this whole "average is fine" mentality.
If you want the best for YOURSELF & those you care about you have to BECOME exceptional.
When you become exceptional you'll be able to write better code, enjoy your work more & feel more confident.
Anyone can do this.
But there is a problem:
It's hard to know exactly what you need to learn...
...and it's even harder to find all the information you need in one place!
That's why I invested over 100 hours of my time to put together a resource for you.
"What will this do for me?"
This is Ruby Deep Dive, the book for serious Ruby developers.
Mary Katherine
I've been reading Ruby Deep Dive as I have time and finding it to be SUPER helpful.
It's exactly the 'next step' I needed after doing all the beginner tutorials. Thanks for writing it!!! :)
Inside Ruby Deep Dive You'll Discover:
Imagine being able to understand every line of code in your project...
...and learning to use the full power of Ruby so you can become more confident, understand how things work & write better code.
...and because Rails is built on top of Ruby, you'll also understand Rails better!
Ruby Deep Dive will help you do that.
This Is What You Get:
According to popular job-search site, Ruby developers hold some of the highest-paid positions in web development.
If you had to pay an expert Ruby developer to put together this program for you it would cost you THOUSANDS of dollars!
But I'm not going to charge you that much because I want everyone that is serious about this to have access to this powerful material...'s not going to cost you $500,
... or even $300.
Way less than that.
You can get this complete Ruby training package today for a SMALL investment of $49!
Click the yellow button below & grab your copy today :)
(When you complete your purchase you'll instantly receive a download link to a zip file containing the PDF of the book plus all the learning resources.)
I know you'll love this book because I put a lot of work into it, but if for whatever reason you aren't happy with it... problem!
Let me know within 60 days & I'll give your money back.
Who Is This Book For?
This is for you if...
Not for you if...
Table of Contents
How to Use Pry To Improve Your Ruby Skills
Exceptions! What error messages mean & how to handle them
Data Structures, Serialization & Ranges
The Ruby Object Model
Ruby Blocks, Procs & Lambdas
How to Use Regular Expressions in Ruby
Understanding Modules & Their Uses
How to Build A Simple API Using Sinatra
The Enumerable Module: inject, map, select & more!
How To Compare Objects in Ruby
How to Make Your Ruby Code Faster
Metaprogramming by Example
Jay Wilburn
Full-Stack Developer
This book has helped me understand things better. And I have been able to apply those learnings into some of my work.
Today is the day when you finally make a good decision & get back on track to becoming an awesome Ruby developer.
Don't wait any longer & start improving your Ruby skills today!