An Overview of Data Structures For Ruby Developers

What is a data structure? A data structure is a specific way to organize & access data. Examples include: Arrays Binary trees Hashes Different data structures excel at different tasks. For example, hashes are great if you’re looking to store data that looks like a dictionary (word & definition), or a phone book (person name … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Rails Rendering

What’s rendering in Rails? Rendering is the ultimate goal of your Ruby on Rails application. You render a view, usually .html.erb files, which contain a mix of HMTL & Ruby code. A view is what the user sees. It’s the result of all the work your Rails app has to do. Views combine logic, data … Read more

How to Use AJAX With Ruby on Rails

Let’s understand why AJAX exists, so you can get a better idea of how to use it in your Rails projects. When you visit a website, what happens? A page is loaded from the server. But if you want to see new information you have to either reload the page to update it, or click … Read more