How to Use Ruby Any, All, None & One

Today you’ll learn about 4 Enumerable methods that will help you check a conditional statement against an array of elements, a hash, or any other objects that include the Enumerable module. These 4 methods return either true or false. Let’s do this! Contents Ruby All Method If you want to check if all the strings … Read more

How to Use the Ruby Grep Method (With Examples)

Let’s talk about the grep method. What can this method do for you? You can use Grep to filter enumerable objects, like Arrays & Ranges. “But select already does that!” Yes, but grep works in a different way & it produces different results. Let’s see some examples. Ruby Grep Method Examples Given this array: You … Read more

What is Ruby on Rails & Why Is It Useful?

Ruby on Rails (sometimes RoR) is the most popular open-source web application framework. It’s built with the Ruby programming language. You can use Rails to help you build applications, from simple to complex, there are no limits to what you can accomplish with Rails! What is a framework? A framework is a collection of code, … Read more

How to Use The Ruby Map Method (With Examples)

Map is a Ruby method that you can use with Arrays, Hashes & Ranges. The main use for map is to TRANSFORM data. For example: Given an array of strings, you could go over every string & make every character UPPERCASE. Or if you have a list of User objects… You could convert them into … Read more