How To Use The Singleton Pattern In Ruby (And Why You Should Avoid It)

Have you ever wanted to create a class that can only have one instance?

Yes? No? Maybe?


That’s exactly what the singleton pattern is.

There isn’t a problem with that.

But some people call this an anti-pattern because it can be used as an excuse for bad design.

Let’s have a look at a code example so you can learn how it works.

Singleton Pattern Code Example

The idea of the singleton pattern is that you want a class with only one instance.

Here’s how:

  • You make the new method private
  • You define a class method named instance that returns the unique instance for the class

Because this is a popular design pattern, the Ruby standard library comes with a Singleton module you can include in any class.

It looks like this:

require 'singleton'

class Shop
  include Singleton

Now if you try to create a Shop object with you’ll see this:
# NoMethodError: private method `new' called for Shop:Class

And if you want to get the one & only Shop object you can use the instance method:


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You can tell it’s always the same object because the object_id never changes.

What you need to remember:

This is a simple pattern, it limits object creation to 1 object & you can request that object whenever you want.

Why You Shouldn’t Use This Pattern

The singleton pattern is often an excuse to have some form of global variable & we know global variables are bad because you have no control over them. This makes things harder to test & it can increase coupling.

“The real problem with Singletons is that they give you such a good excuse not to think carefully about the appropriate visibility of an object.” – Kent Beck

Imagine having an object that most of your classes depend on, that’s what the singleton pattern can become. Good luck refactoring that!


Are there any good uses for this pattern?

Searching on Github turned up some repos using the Singleton pattern in conjunction with the Null object pattern.

I guess that makes sense, Rails uses this as part of ActionPack.

Here’s the code:

class AllType < Type
  include Singleton

  def initialize
    super "*/*", :all

  def all?; true; end
  def html?; true; end

This is a class that inherits from Type.

When you create an AllType object via the instance method, it will call super & return the object.

Every time you call instance after that you'll get the same object.

In conclusion:

Yes, this pattern can be useful in the right situations, but you don't want to use it without thinking a lot about it.


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You learned about the singleton design pattern, how to implement it in Ruby & why you should avoid it most of the time.

What do you think about this pattern? Have you seen it before? Let me know in the comments 🙂

Thanks for reading!